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(郭爱莲 已在 2020-01-03 08:54 推荐!)

  发布者:陈曦    所属单位:山海关区国家语言文字推广基地管理中心    发布时间:2019-12-15    浏览数( -) 【置顶】 【推荐】 【举报】

Teaching topic: Lesson 1: Back to School

Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1.    Read, understand the new words like physics, and the new phrases like one is …, the other is …; introduce…to, search for… the same as

2.    Talk about their own first day of the term

3.    Be full of expectation of the new term

Teaching important point: the use of the new phrases

Teaching difficult point: talk about the first day of the term

Teaching tools: PPT, radio,

Teaching procedure:

Step1: free talk

Step 2: Lead-in

T: How do you like the first day of a new term. Did you have anything new happened?

S: new friends, new classrooms, new books…

Step3: Understanding of the dialogue

. Listening

T: Li Ming is having an online chat with Danny, listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. How many new classmates does Danny have this term?  What are their names?


 2. Does Miss Cox teacher math?


 3. What is Li Ming’s new subject?


. Reading

T:  The first day seemed to be an exciting start. Please read carefully and answer the questions.

}  1. How do Danny and Li Ming like the first day of Grade 8?

}  2. What advice does Li Ming give Danny on how to start a conversation with Sandra?

}  3. Which recent picture of Li Ming does Danny like?

}  4. What is Li Ming preparing for?

. Read again

T: read the dialogue again and find out new phrases.

While the students answer, the teacher writes the phrase on the blackboard.

. The use of the new phrases

T: Physics is new to us, isn’t it? Some of you say it is harder than other subjects. Do you think you’ll like it? Here is some advice for you, read it and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. You can work in pairs.

  give    search for   make friends   introduce    the same as         one …the other 

  }  Do     you have difficult problems in physics class? Maybe yes. Now let me     ______two ways to solve them. _______ is to ____________ with the books.     ________ way is to__________ the answers on the well-known websites.     The  function(作用) of the Internet is ___________ the teachers’. It can     easily ____ you the answer.   






Step 4: Talk about the first day of the new term in pairs.


A: Hi….How was your first day of Grade 8?

B: I was ______.

A: Do you have new ______?

B: Yes, _____________. How about you?

A: ________________.

}  Sample

}  A: Hi….How was your first day of Grade 8?

}  B: I was excited. I have new….

}  A: What…name?

}    Where…from?

}    What …look like?...

}  B: …

}  A: Do you have new subject? Do you like it?


Step5: new term, new dream

T: New friends, new teachers, new subjects will make your new term more interesting. Also, new subjects and new difficulties will make your term more challenging. You need different plans to deal with them. Three days later, we are going to have opening ceremony. There, we’ll have an opportunity to talk about our dreams or plans, please listen to three students talking about theirs. And match the names with the wishes.


Hi. I am Peter. On the first day of the term, my home teacher told me that there will be a math competition this term. I want to have a try. But my math is not as good as English. Therefore, I want to improve math in the new term.

There are some new clubs this term. I will take part in the Acting club and Singing club. I will make new friends. --- by Tim

Hello. My name is Betty. I have a foreign teacher this term. She teaches us once a week. I talked with her yesterday and she was very kind. I want to practice English with her online.

Tom              I want to improve math in the new term.

Peter             I want to practice English with the foreign teacher.

Betty             I want to take part in clubs.

T: How about yours? Talk about your plan for the new term and get ready for the show time. Choose your favorite style to show.

}  Task1: Talk about your wishes for the new term.

}  A: Hi….How was your first day of new term?

}  B:…. ….

}  A: Do you have wishes?

Task2: Make a poster in group. The theme is “New term, New Dream”. The best one will be shown on the opening ceremony

Step 6: wishes of the teachers

}  Dear students,

}  You are starting another important journey. To make it more wonderful and meaningful, I wish you to follow your dream, take the time and make a difference in this term.

Step 7: homework

(1)Write down the dialogue you have made in class.

(2)Preview Lesson 2.





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