1. 作业标题:信息技术应用成果截止时间:2016-03-18
  2. 作业要求:






  3. 发布者:培训管理专员


骆利军 已推荐!

提交者:熊月华     所属单位:九江市第三中学     提交时间:2016-01-13    浏览数:9     




Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

                  Section BReading

       Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?



教材和学生学情分析 : 人教版9年级unit 7 青少年是否能够自己做决定? 》的阅读课。 9 年级的学生已经有一定的知识累积,口语表达能力和阅读理解能力。正好大约都进入青少年阶段,有自己的秘密和烦恼,也有自己的自主意思和思维。有的甚至因此叛逆与父母关系紧张。本话题贴近学生的生活,正好给学生开口表达与父母不同意见的机会。提高孩子的阅读理解能力。


      知识目标:  如何用目标语言来表达自己的观点

                      I think I should /not be allowed to ………”

      能力目标:To train students’ reading comprehension训练学生的阅读能力  

      情感目标: 1. To know how to communicate with students’ parents better

when having different opinions


                     2. Students and their parents should learn to respect each

other better.


 Teaching Key Points and difficult points 重难点

   How to improve students reading comprehension well and express their opinions freely


Teaching and learning methods : 教与学的方法

Audio-visual and task-based teaching and learning methods


Teaching aids and preparations:教学准备  PP T software 

Each student will have some reading exercises on a piece

of paper    (每位同学准备好了一张练习纸)

   Teaching Procedures:教学过程

Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in (打招呼和导入)

       Daily English and Teacher’s experience when She was a teenager                

T: “Is the bell ringing? Ss: yes…. ”

T: “Now let’s begin our class. Class begins !  Good Morning, boys and girls !”

 Ss: “Good morning, teacher!”

T: “You see, I’m 32 years old now. By the way, How old are you ?”

S1: “I’m….. years old.”  
T: “How about you ?”


T: “How young you are! And you’re teenagers now. But as teenagers, maybe you’ll  your own secrets and trouble, right?

 When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a teacher, but my parents wanted me to be a doctor. They said:“ You’re short and ugly, how can you become a teacher?

Haha, you see, I’m an English teacher now.

Am I beautiful? Am I a good English teacher?

Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?”


T: “Today, we’re going to learn Unit7 Section B 2bReading

   Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?”


Step 2 Free talk     

The topic is about different opinions between teenagers and parents,  using “ I think I should be allowed to do......and My parents think I shouldn’t allowed to do.....”

T: “Different people have different opinions. Do you have different opinions from your parents? Can you think some?   You can use these sentences to help you. “ I think I should be allowed to do......and My parents think I shouldn’t allowed to do.....”

Ask several students in different groups to answer and if they can’t think some, help students with some questions and pictures on PPT

T: “Do you want to have your own phones ?/ choose your own clothes?/ play computer games 

T: “Why do you thin so? and why do your parents disagree with you?”

S: Because ………….get in the way of study…

T: “ As a teenager, you should have your own opinions and hobbies. But sometimes , you should obey some rules because they’re good for us. As students, we should respect our parents. If you have different opinions, why not have a talk with them?”

PPT示:“ I think I should be allowed to do......and My parents think I shouldn’t allowed to do.....”,句型,当学生表达不出来时 ,比如父母为啥不让我们用手机时,用图片“学生上课玩手机”引导学生表述:会影响和学习,这样直观形象,重点鲜明,引导学生用目标语言,自由表达顺畅)

  Step 3Reading

  1.Fast -reading   

Students read the passage quickly to find the answer to the question :

      “What’s Liu Yu ‘s problem?

To ask students to underlined the words they don’t know

T: “There is a boy called LiuYu in the reading passage who had such a problem.

 “Read  the passage as quickly as you can and answer my question “What’s LiuYu’s problem?”

 “You’ll be given 2 minutes and under line the words you don’t know. Ready, Go!”


 2.Simple reading

Students listen to the tape with the 8 questions and find out the answer by themselves .

T: “now look at the screen, there’re 8 questions here and first read them loudly together.

 Then listen to the tape and find the answers by yourself.

 2. Extensive reading

     (1) to Show some multiple-questions on the screen

     (2) to ask several students to read the questions one by one

     (3) to choose Students to read the passage one paragraph by one paragraph

     (4) to ask 5 students to complete the questions on Teacher’s computer, While others do 

       them on a piece of paper


 T:“Now,look at the paper or the screen , there are 5 q detailed questions .

“First, read the questions and statements silently. Then, I need 5students to read the passage loudly for us .Are you clear?

“For the first paragraph, you please!  ( good job, well done, excellent very good, wonderful)


 (here , Invite 5 students to give their answers on the computer.)

邀请不同的学生上电脑展示屏前面, 用手把答案拖动到答案区里面, 其他学生在发的那张练习题纸上回到5个问题。阅读课需要安静的环境,但容易上的很死板,尤其是i本堂课是练习式的阅读很难上灵活。5个问题请5位同学来动手拖答案,增加了学生学习的兴趣,让孩子的参与性明显提高,使课堂整个活跃起来。

T: “What’s your answer and come here to make your choice, You can do it like this.

Do you agree with her/him?.




4  After reading

(1) To ask students to fill in the 10 blanks with the correct 10 answers

(2) To ask Students to choose 5 missing sentences from 7 and put them in the

correct blanks

T: “Excellent, I want to check if you really know the passage well. Now, look at the short passage quickly . I need a student to come here , reading it loudly for us . 

Then I’ll 3 students to stand in front of the screen and do it together. If you have difficulties , discuss them with others While other students do on the paper.

If you want to have a better understanding, look at Task 5. Read the missing sentences together and I want a student to put them in to the correct order and others please write your answers on the paper”

这里设置的10选10 填文章,根据课文内容。首先邀请一位同学来读文章,而后邀请3位同学来到电子屏前,一起讨论,共通把讨论的结果用触屏笔或者手拖到答案区。其他的同学分组讨论,而后把答案填入练习纸上。互动很好,课堂气氛活跃,参与度高。

Step 4  Discussion

T: I am very happy , most of your really understand the passage very well. Do you think Liu Yu is like the boy in the picture? What can Liu Yu do ?

      Parents also should respect their children ‘s choice

       Learn to let their dreams go.”

             (PPT 4 父母正剪掉孩子长出来的翅膀,正切今日主题,形象有内涵,)

Step 5   Homework

        Suppose you’re Liu Yu and you are unhappy about this and write a letter ta ask for

        help .





本堂课是9年级的阅读课,情感教学目标贯穿整个教学过程中,通过学生讨论话题:学生能否自己为自己做出决定以及和父母之间的不同意见和矛盾,来引导学生从生活的两面看待问题, 遵守一些对他们有好处的规则, 当和父母有不同意见,学会尊重父母并善于积极和父母沟通来解决问题。勇于表达自己的观点,并和父母沟通让他们适度尊重孩子们的选择,放飞他们的梦想。  (在阅读前用老师自己的亲身经历引出话题,让学生表达自己和父母对于规则不同的观点,并借助图片引导他们,提示孩子们有些父母的规则是对他们有好处的,是需要遵守的。但这个部分的时间用时略长,需要缩短些,小组可以提前讨论下,那么学生使用目标语言表达自己的观点会更加流畅)

能力教学目标宗旨是提高学生的阅读能力。教学目标明晰,结合江西中考目标要求和题型,使用任务型教学法,设置了5个任务。分别是循序渐进梯度的快速阅读里的主题问题,8 个快速阅读问题(4个一般疑问句,4个特殊疑问句),5个有挖掘深度的选择理解题, 10选10 的选词填空题和 阅读7选5题目。在多媒体教室上课,训练学生听力同整体阅读能力,在各项任务中训练孩子们的整体阅读,查读,跳读 和整体归纳的阅读能力。整个任务过程中,让孩子们静下心来读,学会充分审题,让部分来到多媒体电子屏电脑前拖动答案到答案区,或者讨论共同得出答案,其他同学把答案写在教师发的 任务纸上,增加了阅读课程的活跃性和学生参与的整体性。这样学生的主观能动性就充分调动和运用。

(本环节学生的参与性高,中间阅读环节学生有不同的意见并产生分歧,需要课后讨论,此处的7选5 超出预期时间)









