  1. 作业标题:研修结业成果截止时间:2016-02-28
  2. 作业要求:






  3. 发布者:培训管理专员


提交者:何康     提交时间:2016-02-18    浏览数:2     

Book6 Unit2 Poems Warming up and reading教学设计

                                                             南昌一中 高二英语组 何康



这节课为本单元第一课时,整合了教材中warming up reading的内容。为了快速把学生带入学习诗歌的情境,以学生自选“我最喜爱的一首诗”的English show进行导入。本课时选用了Pre-reading部分的表格题,以让学生速读reading部分的诗歌,训练学生的通过略读概括诗歌主要内容的能力。Reading部分主要介绍了人们写诗的目的和五种不同类型的诗歌及其特征,包括Nursery rhymes童谣,List poems清单诗,Haiku俳句诗,Cinquain五行诗和Tang poems唐诗。


1.学会一些重点单词和短语,比如tick, rhyme, convey, diamond, flexible, nursery rhyme, be made up of, in particular等等。



4. 学会欣赏诗歌,设定感恩节情境,让学生学会写简单的诗歌表达自己的感谢。







小组合作学习  分组竞赛   讨论法


多媒体  黑板



step1.Greetings 问好

step2. Lead-in英语秀 导入

English show (My favorite poem) 学生朗诵分享自己最喜欢的诗歌


As we know, Thanksgiving Day is coming soon on Thursday. Have you prepared some gift for your parents, teachers and friends? If not, what about writing a poem for them as a Thanksgiving Day gift? And if your poem is great, I will try to sing it with my guitar.

Show students what we gonna do today----

Read a passage and enjoy some poems, then learn some forms of English poems, and try to write an English poem as a gift, and I may sing your poem with my guitar.


Step3 Pre-reading读前活动

(Task1) Please finish the chart with your partner by ticking the correct box(es) on P9.

(Task2 )Skim the passage and find out how many forms of poems are mentioned.

What are they?略读课文并找出文中提到的诗歌形式。

Nursery rhymes童谣,List poems清单诗,Haiku俳句诗,Cinquain五行诗Tang poems唐诗


Step5 careful-reading

(Task3 )Please read the passage carefully and answer the questions.请认真阅读课文回答问题。

PoemA  Does the poem have a strong rhythm ? Does it rhyme?

Poem B  Does the poem rhyme?  Circle the rhyming words.

Poem C  How many excuses did the author find for losing the game?

Does the poem rhyme?

Poem D  Does the author like his or her brother? Why?

Poem E  Does the author like summer? Why?

(Task4)Please try to write a cinquain about one of your teachers or classmates, and let others guess who he or she is. 请为你的老师和同班同学写一首五行诗,让大家猜猜他是谁。

one word (for the subject)

two adjectives (that describe the subject)

three verbs ending with -ing

one word (for the subject)

Poem FG   How many syllables are there in a Haiku?

Poem H    What feelings below that you think the woman in poem H has?

Loneliness   joy   love   anger  hate  sorrow


(Task5) Please match the characteristics with the form.把诗歌种类和特征连成线

1.It is a Japanese form of poetry which is made up of 17 syllables.  Haiku

2.They are translated from Chinese. Tang Poems

3.They are made up of five lines, and convey a strong picture, and easy to write.  Cinquain

4.They have a flexible line length and repeated phrases and some rhyme while some don’t.  List Poems

5.They rhyme and have a strong rhythm. They are easy to learn and to recite.   Nursery Rhymes


(Task6)Guessing game 猜猜诗歌类型

 Please guess what form of poem it is.

1.A Rainbow   (Haiku)

Curving up, then down. 

Meeting blue sky and green earth 

Melding(合并) sun and rain.


2.A Spring Morning  (Tang Poems)

Awakening in a morning of spring, 
I hear the birds everywhere beautifully sing.

There was a rainstorm last night;

I wonder how many flowers have dropped in a wretched plight? 


3.Sunshine  (Cinquain)

Lovely, cheerful

Warming, welcoming, calming

I sing with you



4.I am afraid  (List Poems)

You say that you love the rain.

But you put up your umbrella

when it rains.

You say that you love the sun.

But you find a shade

when it shines.

You say that you love the wind.

But you close all the windows

when it blows.

That is why I am afraid.

You say

that you love me too.


5.Twinkle, twinkle, little star (Nursery Rhymes)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are


6.What is Love    (List Poems)

Love is giving,

Love is guiding,

Love is forgiving,

Love is supporting.

Love is taking someone’s load ,

Love is helping them along the road.

Love is caring,

Love is sharing,    

Love is believing.

Love is encouraging,

Love is seeking the best for others,

Love is treating strangers as brothers


Step6 Group work

Write a poem as a Thanksgiving gift

     Thank you, _______

   You were always there 
   To help me
   You were always there
   To guide me
   You were always there
   To laugh with me 
   You were always there 
   To cry with me
   (But the most important)
   You were always there 
   To love me


Step7 Self-evaluation and conclusion



1.Finish your cinquain.

