  1. 作业标题:研修结业成果截止时间:2016-02-25
  2. 作业要求:







  3. 发布者:培训管理专员


提交者:蔡运萍     提交时间:2016-01-20    浏览数:0     


新版PEP五年级下册 Unit 5 Whose dog is it Part B Read and write

Robin at the zoo

江西省赣州市文清实验学校  蔡运萍


本课是是根据新版PEP五年级下册 Unit 5 Whose dog is itPart B Read and write 一课而设计的一堂英语阅读课。通过阅读故事,让孩子学会捕捉文本、阅读文本、拓展文本、运用文本的能力,进一步提高孩子学习和使用英语的兴趣。



1. 通过阅读学习,有助于提高学生的阅读能力和自主学习能力。

2. 通过阅读进行语音处理、单词处理和句子处理;通过阅读在理解、运用的过程中培养学生的语言输出能力,即说话能力和写话能力。


(一) 知识目标

1. 能运用本课的主句型“What are you doing? I’m looking at I’mlike…” 在不同的情境中进行交流。

2. 在老师的帮助下,能正确理解和朗读短文内容,能够对本课内容进行适当的改写或续写。


1. 能初步掌握阅读的方法与技巧。

2. 正确理解短文内容,能够进行简单的改写或续写。


读懂Read and write部分的对话,并能从中获取人生小道理: 动物


四、    教学重点和难点

1.     重点:掌握句型What are you doing? I’m looking at I’mlike…并能够将本部分的知识点灵活地运用到生活当中。

2.     难点:能够理解生词excited like 在语境中的意思。



六、    教学准备




1. 渗透句型 “I’m looking at

T: Hello, boys and girls! I’m your new English teacher, Miss Cai. Hello

T ask S1: How do you do? What’s your name ?S answer. Now, I’m looking at S1. I point ,you say “I’m looking at ” ok? (先以孩子熟悉的伙伴入手,老师靠近并指向这个孩子,全班说句子;再转换成动物单词卡,在情境中说句子。)

2. 渗透句型“I’m like …”

T:(当拿到最后一张动物卡)Oh, the bear is lovely! And you are lovely, too. I like you very much. Do you like me? Oh, So “like” it means 引导孩子说出like喜欢的意思). Now ,Look at me, I’m a robot. I can walk like a robot. I can sing like a robot. So “like” it means (引导孩子说出like的意思).

. Warm-up

1.     Greetings

T: Hello, boys and girls! Let’s have class , I’m your new English teacher. First, let’s get to know each other.

2.     Listen, read and judge.

PPT: Say ‘Yeah, Yeah, Yeah’ if you think it is true.

Say ‘No, No, No’ if you think it is false. 

(1)About you

     You can eat like a rabbit.

     You can climb like a monkey.

     You can run like a tiger.

(2)About me

I can dance like a bear.

I can swim like a fish.

I can walk like Robin.

. Lead-in

T: Robin is my friend, can you guess: Where is Robin?

PPTRobin and zoo

S1: At the zoo.

T: Yes, Robin is at the zoo. (T show topic: Robin at the zoo, Ss read.)

. Presentation

Pre-reading 阅读前,创设情境,排除学生阅读障碍。

T: Robin is at the zoo, is he happy?  Ss: Yes.

T: Is he excited ?  Ss: Yes.

PPT: (three pictures)

T: Look! My daughter can sing very well, so I’m excited.T用夸张的语言和动作来表现excited 让孩子能预测单词意思。)

If you get a good mark, you will be(引导学生说出excited

Robin is at the zoo, he is soSsexcited

T: What’s the meaning of excited ?

S1 answer.

Ss follow T: excited.

Group read: Robin is excited. (PPT: sentence)


Step1:Teach “What are you doing? I’m looking at

(1)Guess and say.  问题引领,预测信息。

T: Robin is excited, why? I think he see many animals. Can you guess? What animals does Robin see? (PPT: Show question)

Ss guess.

2Listenlook  and answer. 整体扫读,捕捉信息。

T: May be you are right. Now let’s enjoy the story, ok?

PPT: 以翻书的特效配有课文录音和内容同时播放。

TWowa funny story! What animals does Robin see?

T: Let’s check the answer.  Read together.

PPT: picture and word

a bear a tiger a monkey a bird an elephant some rabbitsfish

3Look and say

T: You are clever! You’re right! Robin likes the animals so much. Let’s ask “Robin, robin, what are you doing?”Ss clap hands and ask.

PPT: I’m looking at a bear. (sentence and Robin ’s sound)

Ss listen and follow , T write “What are you doing ? I’m looking at ” on the board.

T: Now let’s ask and answer. You ask me “Miss Cai, Miss Cai, What are you doing?”

T: I’m looking at a bear. (加上动作,看着熊的单词卡片在情景中说)Okit’s your turn, practice with your partners, one ask , one answer. I’ll give you one minute.

Pair work show.

Step2:Teach picture1Teach: I’mlike…)

T: Robin is at the zoo. He says “I’m looking at a bear.”

PPTRobin’s picture and sentence.

T: And the bear is dancing. PPTbear’s picture and word.

  What is Robin doing?

PPTRobin’s picture and sound: I’m dancing like a bear.

PPT: Show picture 1I’m dancing like a bear.此句子用红色横线标注,为接下来自主阅读从短文中寻找答案做铺垫。)

T: This is the picture 1.Let’s read together. Boys read, girls do the action. Now , change ,please.(边说边把单词卡dancing 贴在黑板上。)


Step3: Teach picture 2-5问题深入,自主阅读

1Read and underline. 自主默读,划出关键句子。

T: Now, let’s look at the picture 2-5. What is Robin doing?

(PPT: picture 2-5 and question)

T: Please read by yourselves and underline the key sentences, ok? OK, two minutes.

T: Have you got it?

Ss answer. (根据孩子的回答PPT将四幅图中I’m like…红线标注)

T: Robin can do many things. He says (引导孩子说出I’m eating like a rabbit. I’m running like a tiger. I’m walking like an elephant. I’m climbing like a monkey. T根据孩子所说,将四个单词逐一贴在黑板。)

T write sentence “I’mlike” on the board.

2Group work: Choose and read . 合作阅读,选择喜欢的图片朗读并表演。

T: From picture 2-5, which picture do you like best? You can choose and read in your group. I’ll give you 2minutes.

T: Who like picture 2? Ok ,stand up! Try to read. (部分孩子朗读)

T: Great!

T: Who like picture 3? (个别孩子朗读)

T: Oh, your voice is beautiful!

T: Who like picture 4?


TYou are wonderful!

TOh, I like picture 5 best. Who like picture 5? Let’s read together!

Step4: Teach picture 6 and 7创设情境,演练结合

1T: From the story, we know Robin and the animals are good friends ,they can do many things. Now , I want to be Robin.

2PPT:Robot’s musicT: Look at me !(根据音乐的节奏,模仿罗宾的语气和动作,创设情境,现场演绎。)I am Robin. I can dance . I can walk. Oh , I’m looking at a bird. I like flying. I want to be a bird. What about you ? Stand up!(师生同乐,一起表演Picture 6。)

3TI am Robin now. I’m flying like a bird, I’m dancing like a bear. I’m

PPT: The sound of river, then show Sarah’s sound and sentence: Robin , do you want to swim like a fish?

T:(继续模仿机器人的声音回答)No, no , I don’t want to be a fish.

Oh , how silly me! It’s not ture. I’m not Robin, I’m Miss Cai. But Sarah asks me 引导孩子看PPT说出Picture7的问句)

T: Can Robin swim? Ss answer.

T: So Robin says (引导孩子在情境中说Picture 7的答句,并注意模仿语音语调。)

T:“I want to be…” “I don’t want to be

it means (引导孩子通过情境感知并说出两个句子的意思。)

【设计意图:Picture6 and 7是本课中最精彩的内容,因此,我以身试教,顺着前面选择自己喜欢的图片朗读自然过渡到这里,伴随着机器人的音乐,我带领着孩子扮演起Robin,巧妙地说出picture6的句子,在情境中突破了句子I want to beI don’t want to be…】

Step5: Listen and follow.听音跟读,注意模仿语音语调。

T: Here is the story about Robin. Open your books, let’s listen and follow.

PPT picture and sound整张课文图片和每句话的单独音频)

Step6: Read the whole story by yourselves. 流利地朗读故事。

T:Let’s read together. When you read these words :dancing\eating\

running\walking\climbing\flying, please stand up, ok?

【设计意图:Step5 and 6 是第二次带着孩子走进文本,整体感知文本,利用听和读的结合,再次加深对文本的理解,为后面的拓展环节打下基础。】


Step1:Super orator

T: Robin is my friend, now Robin is our friend. So Robin want to be a super orator. Do you want to be ? Ss answer.

T: When the music stop, you can say like this : I’m looking at a\anI’mlike

PPT: 播放胶片,当T喊停时,照相机咔嚓一声,定格一张动物的图片,T先示范。拓展更多的动物,如the ducks –singingpig-sleepinga rabbit-jumping, 为接下来的听音填词作铺垫。)

Step2:Listen write and read.

T: Boys and girls, this story is about Robin. Let’s listen and write .

PPT: Robin’s sound1 -Hello, I’m Robin, I’m at the zoo. I’m looking a rabbit. I’m jumping like a rabbit.第一道听力题教师示范,先让全班听一段录音,再出示填写的单词,为后面的听力铺垫。)So we can write “a rabbitjumping” , are you clearly? Now I give you some words, and the other words are missing, let’s listen ,write and read.

T: Hello, boys and girls! Let’s check the answers.

Step3: Make a funny book.              

1Let’s make

T: Do you like this story? Now let’s make a funny book by yourselves. First, let’s make: choose a picture and write sth about the animal.PPT出示制作书的步骤和方法,现场拿出我的的书供孩子参考。)I’ll will give you 1 minute.

2Check your story.(小组合作,读给伙伴们听,共同分享。)

T: Read your story in the group.

3Make a cover. Then put the paper in order.


4Let’s show.




1.Show topic again.(首尾呼应,再次点题)

T: Your story is very interesting. Please clap for yourself. LookHere is my funny book: Robin at the zoo. Robin tell us :

PPT: Animals are our friends, we should protect them!

2. Homework

T: Thank you, boys and girls! This is today’s homework.

PPT:Share your story with your friends and family. ★★After school, please give your friend a call in English and talk about what you are doing at the zoo.


1.     在导入环节的Listen ,read and judge,我通过轻松愉快的真实交流,建立融洽的师生交流渠道, 为新授作了铺垫,让孩子初步感知like在不同语境中的意思。孩子们领悟力很强,马上知道了like 的不同意思。

2. 在阅读前,为了能突破 excited是生词,让孩子领悟到意思,我通过不同方式的呈现,让孩子主动说出单词并学会在不同的语境中运用。

3. 在阅读中,我先让学生先发表自己的见解,并在预测中铺垫本课的句型,扫清阅读的障碍,帮助学生减低阅读难度,激发学生的阅读兴趣。接着观看课文PPT,视听结合,学生在阅读的过程中整体把握课文脉络,了解本课内容梗概。

4. 在阅读第二项活动中,我让学生带着问题阅读课文,发挥学生的自主学习和探究意识,引导学生思考,进一步搜集并获取具体信息,并划出关键句型,回答相关问题,将阅读推向深入。同时采取默读、小组合作阅读、个别朗读、师生读等多种方式不断加深对文本的理解和感知。
