  1. 作业标题:提交校本活动成果截止时间:2015-11-30
  2. 作业要求:




  3. 发布者:通识闫德明



提交者:张新彩     提交时间:2015-11-10    浏览数:0     


英语小说牛津书虫系列  Skyjack读写指导


广州增城区郑中钧中学 张新彩











2、过程与方法目标: 运用阅读小组分工课堂展示收获课后写作这种模式来体现学生作为学习活动的主体,让学生自己去观察、分析、比较、发现和总结,形成学生为中心的自主学习。



教学重点   1培养学生理解能力、概括能力和使用英语的能力

2. 培养口语表达能力

教学难点   提高学生英语面表达的能力


学习者分析   学生基础薄弱,阅读能力不强,但学习英语的积极性还比较高,也有兴趣,想学好英语,但缺乏方法,畏惧困难,并且没有恒心。通过小说阅读,培养学生阅读能力以及享受读书乐趣、奠定学生自学基础。我们要求学生做好阅读准备,小组讨论整理分工内容,为上好这一节课做好铺垫。

四、教学方法    任务教学法(Task-based teaching and learning; 合作学习法(Cooperative

learning; 讨论法(Discussion

五、Teaching procedures


Pre-class preparation(课前准备--学案)

Task 1自主阅读Skyjack

Task 2 组员分工并设计成手抄报。课堂每组至少展示一项成果,第45项以竞赛形式开展

1、 Main characters and relationship(主要人物及关系)profession(职业)character (性格)appearance(外貌描写)(if possible

2、  Summary of the story(故事概要):When, where, who, what, how, result

3Your feelings你的感受:你最欣赏的人物及理由(I appreciate…most because…)或你印象最深的情节(what impressed me most is…

4In the story, I learn some useful expressions…(你学到的新单词,好句子,好段落)

5What sentences do you want to express the theme of the story? 你看完小说后想用什么佳句表达这篇小说的主题



hero(男主角) heroine (女主角)unexpected, wisecruelviolent(暴力的), calm, panic(惊慌的),firm and persistent(有毅力的), resolute(坚决的;不动摇的)and bravekidnap(绑架)

a battle of the evil and the justice; a battle among the wise.

This reminds me of a case


While-class activity(课堂读写指导)

Step 1 Warming up

1. If you meet with emergency, for example, if someone is pointing a gun or a knife at you, what will you do?

(keep calm, don’t panic, don’t cry, be resolute and brave)

2. What do you think about the novel?

3. Do you know the three main factors of a novel(小说三要素)?

Vivid characters, a complete plot and concrete environment for human activity.(生动的人物形象、完整的故事情节、人物活动的具体环境)


Step II. Reading guidance (Show time)

1. Main characters and relationship, profession, character (性格)appearance(if possible)

1One group show their works.

2Teacher show reference answer.

Helen Sandberg  Prime Minister, wife of Carl, calm, resolute, wise

Carl  husband of Helen, kind, brave

Harald  a police officer (bodyguard), brave, a tall, strong young man, like a sportsman

two male hijackers and one female hijacker. From National Justice Army, violent, cruel

The three things the skyjackers asked Helen to do

    1). Helen must set free their two brothers from prison.

    2). The plane must be refueled so that the skyjackers could fly to another country.

    3). Helen must put the news in all newspapers.   

The result of the skyjack

1). All the skyjacked hostages on the plane were saved except one.

2). The two prisoners who had been set free were handcuffed and put in prison again.

3). All the skyjackers were wiped out.(消灭)


2. Summary of the story: When, where, who, what, how, result

1One group show their works.

2Teacher show reference answer.


This is an exciting and breathtaking story, which happened at about 11:00pm. Carl and Harald went back home by air. Unfortunately, their plane was skyjacked. In time of danger, Helen, the Prime Minister kept calm and dealt with this skyjack successfully. The skyjackers were killed and all the passengers on board except one were saved.


3. Your feelingswho do you appreciate most and reasonsI appreciate…most because…,your impressive plotwhat impressed me most is…

1One group show their works.

2Teacher show reference answer.

I appreciate Helen most for the reason that Helen was the Prime Minister and Carl’s husband. She was a clever and resolute leader of the country. Meanwhile she was a good wife who loved her husband. In time of danger, she kept calm and made a careful plan against skyjackers. With the help of Colonel Carter, she succeeded in killing the terrorists and rescuing all the hostages except one.


4. In the story, I learn some useful expressions… (a competition for words and sentences in the story)

skyjack 劫机air hostess 空姐 hijacker劫机犯 liberate 解放 search搜查spy 间谍 innocent无辜的 criminal罪犯 interrupt d打断  terrorist恐怖分子 handcuff 手铐  murderess女杀人犯 bang猛击 tarmac跑道 press按着  pilot飞行员 copilot副飞行员

1) You tried fighting, and I tried talking. But it didn’t work. 你尝试与他们拼,我尝试与他们对话 但都没有用。

2) He was a thin, tough-looking man about forty yeas old with a brown face.他身材瘦削,古铜色的脸庞中透着刚毅。(描写人物相貌)

3) Prime Minister, I strongly advise you not to do so.(表建议)

4He argued with the girl as though he was arguing with his though

5. What sentences do you want to express the theme of the story? (a competition)

1) Keep calm and never panic! 要保持镇定,绝不要惊慌失措!

2) The power of good triumphs over the power of evil邪不胜正

3) Strong in action, gentle in method. 行动要坚强,方式要温和

4) Learn to save and protect yourself! 学会自救和保护自我

5) Don’t act rashly.不要鲁莽。

6) Nothing is so certain as the unexpected. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。


6. What do you learn from the story? What should we do in time of emergencyHave you had or heard of similar stories? If so, can you share with us?

The rest groups show their works.


Step . Writing Guidance

A  基础篇 (从不同角度练习写作)

Choose one of the following topics

    1. The story of the three skyjackers

    2. The story of Helen

    3. The story of Carl

    4. The story of Harald

    5. The story of Colonel Carter

     6. Who do you like best or least in the story and why?

     7. What have you learnt from the book?

     8. Write the summary of the story.

B. 提高篇(对小说的一个主题发表看法)
1.  Keep calm in time of danger

a. summary

b. From the story we know that we should keep calm in time of danger.

c. Give similar story to prove your opinion.( 成功或失败案例)

d. Just as the saying goes, nothing is so certain as the unexpected. So we should….

2. A Great woman


a) Summary

b) From the story we know Helen was a great woman. ..

c) This reminds me of another woman…

d) In conclusion, from Helen I learnt a lot…

3. A friend in need is a friend indeed

a) summary

b) From the story we know Carl and Harald were good friends. When their plane was skyjacked by terrorists, Harald ate the pieces of Carl’s passport …

c) This story reminds me of my friend…

d) In total, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. Friends are like wine, the older, the better.

After-class activity

Afterthoughts of the novel: choose one topic from above to write a composition






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