  1. 作业标题:提交校本活动成果截止时间:2015-11-30
  2. 作业要求:




  3. 发布者:通识闫德明


提交者:黄巧凤     提交时间:2015-11-30    浏览数:0     


Unit3 Travel journey

Worksheet for writing

Step1:A game (火眼金睛)

Step2:Lead-in (话题导入)

Please answer these two questions:

Q1. Do you like traveling?

Q2. Have you ever planned a schedule for a new trip

Step3Pre-writing (Discussion)

Now you are planning to have a trip to Laos. Your friend Wang Kun just has been to Laos. So you can ask her something about Laos. Please discuss in pairs, and choose the details about Laos that are the most interesting. Think of what else you would like to know about Laos. Write these ideas down as questions.


What is the food like in Laos?

I want to know



Step4: While-writing

(1)  Analyze the instruction (思路点拨)


体裁:___________          人称:____________         时态:____________

结构:___________     ——     _____________     ——      _____________

(2) extend集思广益(尽量多用不同句式表达)




Main body ( Choose two or three of the best questions for your email. Each question should have another sentence explaining why you want to know this information.)












(3)First writing文章初稿

Do the writing according to the key points. At most 10 minutes.




Step5 Post-writing

(1)   Self-editing (自我修改)


*    1. 查内容是否完整、有无遗漏要点、提示词或误解;

*    2. 查格式是否正确;

*    3. 查语法是否正确,有无句式或用语错误, 尤其要注意时态、语态、主谓一致、名词单复数、词组搭配;

*    4. 查卷面书写是否规范,有无单词拼写、大小写、标点及符号的笔误;

(2)   Share the writing and enjoy them (互评赏析)

Exchange the worksheet with partner and enjoy it. Mark the good phrases or sentences that you enjoyed and point out the careless mistakes conveniently which your partner made. Give the passage a score.

(3)   Demonstration (展示)

(4)   Summary (总结)

Writing basic steps审题 构思 提纲 成文 修改文章 文章升华

(5)   Final writing (文章定稿)












Step6 Homework

1.     Exchange your final composition with your classmates;

2.     Give each of them a score and a comment.
